We never advertise or blow our own horn. For over 30 years, all of our clients have been referred by others who we have helped achieve their goals. That is why we are big believers in hearing from those who have worked with us already. We are extremely proud of the businesses we have been able to impact, as well as the opportunities for financial freedom and regaining “time” that we have enabled for the entrepreneurs running the companies.
Here are a few words from previous clients:
"We quit talking and started doing with the help of M.B. Meek. We have utilized all areas of their service offerings and have had our investment returned many times over. This is the most hands on, results-oriented consulting firm around."
Plastics Manufacturing company
"Traditionally, the investment industry has operated with a lone wolf mentality. I hired M.B. Meek to help build a team culture within our office. Since then, we are consistently one of the top five offices out of over 8,000 in the U.S. M.B. Meek rolls up their sleeves and not only develops winning strategies, but gets in the trenches with us to implement the necessary changes."
Martin C. Bicknell
Senior Vice-President, A.G. Edwards
"Since M.B. Meek began consulting with Phenix Label Company, we have transformed unlike anything in our 100 year history. Your identification of crucial elements which we needed, enabled us to build on our success. Communication, cooperation and productivity have never been better. I am convinced that having M.B. Meek as our business partner is our strategic competitive advantage."
Hans M. Peter – President
Phenix Label Company
“Late last year I had called Advisors Excel and asked them if I could have Mike Meek come and visit my office because we were beginning to struggle with a few things as we continue to try and grow. Prior to my request many advisors in the AE system had recommended that I have Mike come visit but I never felt like the time was right for me. Once I got in enough “pain” I made the call expecting to have to wait until late 2015 for his visit. We just completed our visit today. Mike is helping me build the type of organization I have always wanted but did not know how to do it. I told our staff this morning that a lot of things we have done in the past as a company have been revolutionary, but I believe what we are going to experience with Mike’s guidance will be evolutionary for our business. I believe that in the months and years to come as we continue to grow the practice we will be able to look back on Mike’s visit and his ongoing coaching as the key reason for our growth and success. Now, I know our success will not come down to one person’s efforts, Mike’s or any others. But I believe because of his help we are building the foundation on which a massive firm is about to build.”
Matt Dicken
Louisville, KY
“Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Payton Manning…All of these are/were top talents in their respective sports. What made them the best? Amazing talent, focused skill, unbreakable commitment to hard work and a willingness to be coached by the best! They each had someone to challenge them, even when they appeared to be at the top of their game. They had someone to push them forward, even when they hit all of their goals and wanted to rest on their success. They had someone to hold them accountable to be the absolute best “them” that they could be, no excuses. I want that. I need that. Fortunately, I have that in Mike Meek and his team at AE Coach. I have that someone that pushes me, helps me, drives me, shows me, guides me, advises me and expects of me that I can, and will, build a business, a family and a life that measures up to the man I seek to be. Thanks, Mike, for being the spark that lights the fire and the fan that feeds the flame!”
Chris Hobart
Charlotte, NC
“Mike Meek flew out and coached ALL of our staff on clearly defined responsibilities, DCA communication, clearly defining our personal and company goals and it is no coincidence that last year was a record year for our firm. We gathered over $100 million in new assets last year. Not many firms can do that, and I have no doubt Mike Meek had a major role in our success! We can easily recommend Mike to anyone who is willing to check their ego at the door and truly listen to his advice and follow his instructions. Thanks again Mike! You are awesome!”
Brian Decker & Jim Black
Seattle, WA
“My wife and I started our practice 11 years ago and one of the best things we did was partner with Advisors Excel. With their help, we have built a successful financial planning practice that has given us the opportunity to impact many lives, from those on our team, to the clients we serve. Over the years, if there is one thing we have learned, it’s that our ability to grow and achieve our goals is limited by our ability to clearly see the obstacles in front of us. We knew we had the potential for significant growth, and we knew that changes needed to be made. What was lacking was the expert advice of someone who had successfully walked others through similar challenges. Thanks to Advisors Excel, we were blessed with the opportunity to work with Mike Meek. Hearing great things about him from other advisors, but not sure what to expect, Mike travelled to our office and spent time to understand our practice, our vision, and some of the obstacles and challenges we faced. He took the time to help us clearly work through the issues at hand, evaluate our options, and restructure our team to handle the potential growth. His ability to help us see the issues clearly has been a tremendous impact on what we have been able to accomplish. One thing I really appreciate about Mike is that he is always available to us as we continue to make the changes necessary as we move closer to our goals.”
Chris Abts
Las Vegas, NV
“Focus Beats Brilliance, every time. Being a person who chases butterflies (read, every idea that comes across my desk) I have always used a business coach to help keep me focused. All champions use coaches. Each one has helped take me to a new level of success. They all knew good business principles, but most did not explicitly understand my specific business. Through the good graces of “AE” I was offered the talents of Mike Meek, almost four years ago. Mike, unlike the gurus who suggest either working on your business or in your business, has offered brilliant ideas in both of those disciplines. He knows business and he knows our business. He keeps my team and me focused and on track while constantly challenging us to improve while offering ideas on how to do so. Mike Meek is absolutely a necessary part of the recipe required to become the best of the best.”
Bob Grace
Fort Myers, FL

Over the years, Mike has had the pleasure of aiding many successful entities achieve their growth goals across a broad range of sectors. Below is an abbreviated list of companies we have had the honor of working with.
• Athletic Rehabilitation Services
• Metro Spine & Rehabilitation Center
• St. Luke’s Hospital
• St. Luke’s Home Health Care
• Villa Ventura Retirement
• American Century
• Wachovia
• Wells Fargo Advisors
• CNB United Missouri Bank
• Credit Union of Johnson Co., KS
• Pitt Plastics
• Graphics Technology, Inc.
• Phenix Label Co.
• Stone Container
• Johnson Controls
• Lockton Companies
• Robert E. Miller Insurance Agency
• Farmland Industries
• Midwest Consulting Group
• Cleaver, Power, Allison, CHTD
• Spencer Fane, Britt & Browne CHTD
• Black & Veatch
• Mize Houser & Co., CPA
• Mayor Hoffman McCann – CBIZ
• Shetlar, Benien, Kaplan, Donham CHTD
• United Excel Corp.
• A & L Undeground
• Encompass
• Merit General Contractors
• Schoegel Desgin Remodel
• Johnson County Board of County Commissioners
• Johnson County Sheriff
• Johnson County District Attorney
• City of Atchison, KS
• Northern Irish Parliament
• Housing Choices Coaltion
• Home Builders Association
• Blue Hills Homes